St Ambrose Catholic Primary School

Grow through the love of Jesus

Leave of Absence Request Form

Parents and carers are reminded that, in accordance with legislation and guidance from the Department for Education, approval for holidays in term time will rarely be given as parents and carers are strongly discouraged from disrupting their child's educational progress for the purpose of taking holidays.

[For more details, see the school term time holiday policy.]

This form is available from the school office and should be completed and submitted to Mrs Hilton within four weeks of the start of the proposed leave of absence. Separate forms should be completed for each child, if more than one.

Parents and carers are reminded that term time holidays taken without permission may result in the issuing of fixed penalty fines by the Local Authority of up to £120 per parent per child.

Click here for Leave of Absence Request form which can be downloaded, completed and handed into school.